Co-production is a partnership approach to developing and improving our services and working together to highlight any areas of unmet need.
Co-production is all about listening to the people using our service and acting on their feedback, so that we are constantly working towards being the best service we can be. We can only get better at what we do, if you tell us where we can improve and help us make positive change. Co-production is a partnership approach to developing and improving our services and working together to highlight any areas of unmet need.
Our Co-production commitment:
We will continue to work with everyone that uses our service to gain their comments, concerns and ideas about how we are doing, so that we never stop growing, improving and reaching those that need us most.
To act on this commitment, we:
What do you think advocacy should look like? By getting involved in our co-production pledge you will be helping shape the future of advocacy and be directly involved in health and social care improvements in the region.
Why don’t you go one step further and help us by becoming a volunteer? If you’ve got experience of mental health or represented a family member, we can do with your expertise.