Our Training Offer

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you’ve ever needed to know about our courses and more. See the answers to the most common questions we get asked about our courses.

We deliver bespoke mental health at work, menopause, or the accredited Youth and Adult MHFA courses in-house, or sometimes we also offer public courses. Simply email us to request a quote or check if we have any public courses coming up.

We offer a wide range of bespoke and accredited courses, and we know it can be confusing figuring out which one is right. This is why we recommend you get in touch so we can figure out where your organisation is at in their workplace wellbeing journey, and how we can help you improve the support you offer.

Remember, our courses are tailored to your company’s needs, so we want to make sure your investment sets you up for success!

Anyone 16 or over should complete our Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses! Why? Because if everyone had the knowledge to spot the warning signs of poor mental health and confidence to navigate them to professional support, we can create a happier and healthier society.

We also think that every workplace should have MHFAiders. MHFA in the workplace is a necessity. Some businesses are reporting a higher number of mental first aid interventions than physical first aid ones; and these are rising. Yet as a society, we still focus heavily on physical first aid only. Every workplace needs a MHFAider the same they need a physical first aider, and depending on the size of your company, even one per office or team. Find out more about our Adult Mental Health First Aid here.

We also believe that Youth MHFA is crucial for teachers, parents and carers. With over 50% of mental illnesses diagnosed before the age of 14, anyone who cares for or works with children should be trained in MHFA. Youth mental Health First Aid Training is also important for young people in the work place, as the course covers up to the age of 24.

A MHFAider has the knowledge and skills to support someone struggling with their mental health or in crisis. They are able to spot the warning signs that someone may be experiencing poor mental health, and support the person to get the professional help they need, using a clear and defined step by step process.
As part of your role, you may also want to lead awareness campaigns and create a peer-support network in your community, whether that’s a sports team or your workplace, MHFAiders play a crucial role in tackling stigma and challenging discrimination.

All our bespoke courses are competitively priced, and you can email us for a no-obligation quote.

Most people also want to know; how much does our mental health first aid course cost? Both our Adults and Youth courses are great value for money. Our courses include two days of training and resource materials including; a comprehensive digital manual to refer to whenever you need, a workbook and helpful toolkit that also gives you the tools to support your own mental health, a lanyard to identify you as a MHFAider, and a certificate. We offer multi-booking and charity discounts, but typically a full MHFA course (accrediting 16 people) costs £3600.

Plus we can also complement your MHFA course with Mental Health at Work and Menopause training, and consultancy work to support you in implementing positive wellbeing initiatives in your workplace. We always recommend you contact us to find out more about the cost of our training courses.

We can deliver courses in person, or online. We can visit your office and use your own meeting space, or we can find a suitable venue local to you.

Yes, our Adult and Youth MHFA courses are accredited by MHFA England and this accreditation lasts three years. After that, you can complete a refresher course and renew your accreditation.

Our bespoke courses on Mental Health at Work, Menopause, and Advocacy aren’t currently accredited but they are created by an experienced team who use the latest research to inform our courses. Our courses have received excellent reviews, and we have many organisations who continue to chose us as their training provider.

At Advocacy Focus we are wellbeing experts, and we have the awards to evidence this claim! As winners of the Top Employer of the MIND Workplace Wellbeing Index, our organisation prioritises the wellbeing of our team in everything that we do. And we can help you do the same.

We also work with our charity patron, Jake Mills the CEO of mental health charity Chasing the Stigma, to ensure people across the country have access to local mental health support via the Hub of Hope app. We practise what we preach and have so far trained over 50% of our own team in mental health first aid, not just for the benefits it has for our organisation, but for the skills it gives to our team in relation to their home lives too..

Our team of highly experienced and qualified trainers receive excellent feedback across all the courses they deliver, and we see the positive impact our training has on the individuals and organisations we deliver them to. We are here to go beyond theory and help you create practical and positive change; are you ready to get started? Contact us


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