

Whether you’re looking for self help booklets, posters, leaflets or our Annual Reports, you’ll find everything on this one page. Click on the download file button to save a PDF copy of your resource.  There are also useful links to other organisations.

If you are able to leave a small donation, that will help us develop more resources in the future, you can donate using the donate button at the top of this page or via Just Giving using this QR code

If you are person using our services and need a printed copy of something, please contact and we will be happy to help


Click on the links below to download the PDF you need.

Advocacy Service - Flyer

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Easy Read Booklets

Click on the links below to download the booklet you need.

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) Detained in Hospital

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Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) Discharged from Hospital

Download File

Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy

Download File

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

Download File

Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR)

Download File

Independent Care Act Advocacy

Download File

Independent Care Act Advocacy for Carers

Download File

NHS and Social Care Complaints Advocacy

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Becoming Your Healthy Self Toolkits

Becoming Your Healthy Self is a new, free downloadable resource, promoting positive mental health and wellbeing. Starting off with our first edition ‘What is Mental Health?’ This booklet contains helpful and factual information, tips and tools, self-assessments, real life experiences, brainteasers and more to help you become your healthiest self. To download and print at home, simply click the images of the booklet covers below.

Becoming Your Healthy Self - Volume 1 - What is Mental Health

Download File

Becoming Your Healthy Self - Volume 2 - Grief

Download File

Becoming Your Healthy Self - Volume 3 - Young People's Mental Health

Download File

Becoming Your Healthy Self - Volume 4 - Stress

Download File

Becoming Your Healthy Self - Volume 5- Suicide

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Self Advocacy Toolkit

Our Essential Self Advocacy Toolkit is a new and comprehensive document co-produced with Stanley’s Community Centre and Morecambe Bay CCG. The toolkit is created by those who have experience in self advocacy. The Self Advocacy Toolkit is made up of four main sections, taking you through the knowledge, skills and confidence to become your own best advocate, before introducing you to helpful tools that will support you to self advocate. You can download this toolkit as one document, or as the separate sections, depending on where you feel you need the most help. You will also find our tools available to download individually, so that you can download, print and use whenever you need to.

Self Advocacy Toolkit - complete

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Self Advocacy Toolkit - Introduction to Self Advocacy

Download File

Self Advocacy Toolkit - Section One - Knowledge

Download File

Self Advocacy Toolkit - Section Two - Skills

Download File

Self Advocacy Toolkit - Section Three - Confidence

Download File

Self Advocacy Toolkit - Section Four - Tools

Download File

Additional Tools - Contact Journal

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Additional Tools - Cue Cards

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Additional Tools - Important Contacts

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Additional Tools - Meeting Notes

Download File

Additional Tools - Meeting Preparation Sheet

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Additional Tools - To Do List

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Additional Tools - Weekly Planner

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Additional Tools - DOLS Factsheet

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Mental Health Self Help Toolkits

Our mental health self help toolkits provide practical information and support written in plain English, for people who have been admitted to hospital because of mental ill health. The information booklets allow you to advocate for yourself by giving you key information about your situation, your rights and your choices. They also include handy yet simple tools to help you with your recovery. These guides may also be useful for your family and friends to understand what is happening to you and how they can support you.

Section 2 or 3 Lancashire

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Section 2 or 3 St Helens

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Section 2 or 3 Trafford

Download File

Community Treatment Order - Lancashire

Download File

Community Treatment Order - St Helens

Download File

Community Treatment Order - Trafford

Download File

Informal Patient Self-Help Toolkit

Download File

People Conditionally Discharged - Leaflets

Conditional Discharge (Your rights)

Download File

Conditional Discharge (A guide for family and friends)

Download File

Conditional Discharge (A guide for Independent Mental Health Advocates)

Download File

Know your Rights About Conditional and Absolute Discharge (easy read)

Download File

People Who Might be Involved (easy read)

Download File

Meetings and Reports (easy read)

Download File

What Rights do I Have? (easy read)

Download File

Guidance for Professionals

Download File

Masterclass On Conditional Discharge (slides)

Download File

Justice for LB Toolkit

The Justice for LB Toolkit has been co-produced with groups across Lancashire. It is a resource kit aimed at giving professionals the tools to help those with learning difficulties become more involved with their care assessments. It also provides important information and guidelines about working with people who have learning disabilities, communication or cognitive issues. Our Justice for LB Toolkit was created from feedback from those who have benefited from our support, those with learning difficulties and those who have undergone care assessments. What is Justice for LB? Connor Sparrowhawk, aka ‘LB,’ was a young man who had a preventable death whilst in an assessment unit (managed by Southern Health NHS Trust) on 4th July 2013. The Justice for LB campaign is about raising the awareness of the need for professionals to ensure they take an holistic approach to assessments. Looking at the whole person rather than just an issue and using the support networks around them for comprehensive and person centred assessments. This will hopefully avoid future unnecessary deaths like Connor's.

Full Toolkit

Download File

Communication profile

Download File

Face Assessment

Download File

My House My Rules

Download File

Cutting Other Peoples' Control in my Life

Download File

Wellbeing and Getting Out and About

Download File

Mental Capacity Assessment

Download File

Where I Want to Live

Download File

Communication Toolkits

We also have two Communication Toolkits as part of our Justice for LB Toolkit. These can be used to help communicate with people who have communication difficulties, using symbols rather than photographs to meet a wider audience.

Communication Toolkit - Symbols Version

Download File

Communication Toolkit - Photo Version

Download File


Advocacy Service - Poster

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Mental Health Act Advocacy - Poster

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Mental Capacity Advocacy - Poster

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Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Advocacy - Poster

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Care Act Advocacy - Poster

Download File

Complaints Regulations Advocacy - Poster

Download File

Workplace Guides - for Businesses

At Advocacy Focus we are committed to supporting the mental health of our business communities. To do this, we have put together the resources below which will help you explore different areas of mental health and what you can do to support your wellbeing and that of colleagues.

Managing Stress Guide

Download File

Mental Health in the Workplace Guide

Download File

Christmas and Mental Health

Download File

LGBTQIA+ Terminology Guide

Download File

Menopause Guides

Our Menopause Focus toolkit is born from our employee support group, Female Focus, and was initially a selection of shared stories and suggested self-help ideas.

Series 1 - What is Menopause?

Download File

Series 2 - Menopause and the Workplace Guide

Download File

Annual Report

Click on the link below to download the PDF.

Annual Report 2023-2024

See our progress through 2023-2024 with statistics, success stories and our awards & accreditations.

Download File

Annual Report 2022-2023

See our progress through 2022-2023 with statistics, success stories and our awards & accreditations.

Download File

Annual Report 2021-2022

See our progress through 2021-2022 with statistics, success stories and our awards & accreditations.

Download File

Annual Report 2019-2020

See our progress through 2019-2020 with statistics, success stories and our awards & accreditations.

Download File


Useful Links

NHS & government:

Mental health:

  • Together All – a safe and anonymous online community of people suffering with mental illnesses
  • MIND – a mental health charity which provides help and support to those with mental health problem
  • Young Minds – a mental health charity for children and young people, their families and carers
  • Mental Health Foundation – help for people suffering from mental and emotional conditions
  • Counselling Directory – find a counsellor near you
  • Time to Change – a charity working to end the stigma of mental health illnesses
  • Samaritans – 24 hour, confidential, emotional support for anyone in crisis
  • The Mix – free, confidential helpline service for young people under 25 who need help but don’t know where to turn
  • Magdalene Project – counselling in Rossendale
  • Shout – offer a 24/7 free text support service
  • Hub of Hope – Mental health support network. There is always hope… find support that’s right for you

Learning disabilities:


  • Age UK – emotional, financial and practical support for carers
  • Carers UK – support for unpaid carers who care for family and friends
  • Turn2Us – financial support for carers

Domestic abuse:

  • Changing Lives – for men, women and children at risk of domestic abuse in Blackburn and Darwen
  • The Wish Centre – support for women, men and children affected by domestic abuse in Blackburn and Darwen
  • HARV – support for women and children experiencing domestic violence in Hyndburn and Ribble Valley
  • Safenet – support for women and children experiencing domestic abuse in East Lancs
  • PDVS – support for adults and children experiencing domestic abuse in Preston
  • The STAR Centre – support for women and families experiencing domestic abuse in Rossendale
  • FCWA – support for women, men and children affected by domestic abuse in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:

  • The Queer Box – gender, sexuality and relationship diversity training & consultancy
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