Advocacy Focus Announces Unlimited Annual Leave Policy
Advocacy Focus has today announced the launch of its new unlimited annual leave policy, effective from April 2025 for all...
Read MoreYou have a right to be involved in decisions made about your care and support, no matter how complex your needs. Independent advocacy helps you be actively involved in the care and support process and make your views and wishes heard.
If you are struggling to look after yourself, you may need an assessment of need to see what support you are able to receive. To have an assessment of need you will have to have an appearance of need.
A lot of the support we provide is based upon Independent Care Act Advocacy (2014). You will never really need to know the details of this Act, but it’s good to know that it is there to help us to support you.
“All agencies need to know how the services of an advocate can be accessed and what their role is.” – Care and Support Statutory Guidance, 7.27
“The overall aim should be for people who need advocacy to be identified and, when relevant, receive consistent support as early as possible and throughout the assessment, care and support planning, and review process.” – Care and Support Statutory Guidance, 7.40
In Summary…
Independent Care Act Advocacy (2014) states that some people are legally entitled to have an Independent Advocate to support them to understand and take part in making decisions affecting the care, treatment and support they receive/should be receiving.
Who can have a Care Act Advocate?
You may be entitled to an Independent Advocate to support you through your Health and Social Care Assessments, support plans, reviews or safeguarding enquiries if:
What will a Care Act Advocate do?
Your Advocate will help you speak up and be listened to.
They will meet you in private before making sure that they attend any meetings with you.
Your Advocate will support you to understand your assessment processes and help you make choices and take control over your care, treatment and support.
How do I get a Care Act Advocate?
Referrals for a Care Act Advocate must come from a professional from the Local Authority such as a Social Worker or Care Coordinator, so it’s important that you speak to them and they will sort this out for you.
Thomas* is 18, he was referred to Advocacy Focus by Social Services as there was a concern about his safety in his supported living accommodation. As Thomas has a learning disability, this prevents him from being able to instruct or communicate in a meaningful way. His mother was also unhappy that Social Services were trying to move him without regard to his wishes and well-being.
View our Easy Read version of Care Act Advocacy by clicking here
If you wish to speak to us about your situation, or that of a family member or friend, please contact us:
Call us Advocacy Focus on: 0300 323 0965 or email: