

Independent Visitors are volunteers that befriend and support you during your time in care. If you live in St Helens or Salford, you might be able to access the support and guidance of an Independent Visitor.

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What is an Independent Visitor?

An Independent Visitor is independent from your social worker or care home and they do not work for children’s services. Your Independent Visitor will visit you on a regular basis and be a source of support when you need it.

An Independent Visitor is interested in you and you only. They will help and guide you during your time in care and be someone you can trust and talk to.

Download our Guide to Independent Visitors Leaflet

What does an Independent Visitor do?

An Independent Visitor is just like any other friend, except they are a fully-fledged responsible adult! You can ask your Independent Visitor to help you with anything, or talk to them about what’s on your mind.

Independent Visitors are people with real-life experiences and can be very interesting people to talk to. Sometimes we call them ‘role models’ because they can inspire and motivate you.

They are not paid to spend time with you, they are there because they want to be.

An Independent Visitor will:

  • Listen to you about anything – whether it’s a funny story, or something more serious
  • Help you during difficult or confusing times
  • Support your hobbies and interests, and help you try out new ones
  • Take you out to places, such as to the cinema or for a walk
  • Be someone you can trust

Your Independent Visitor will have been carefully matched to you based on their hobbies and interests and your own. The most important thing to remember is that they are completely separate from children’s services and the care system. Whatever you say to them is completely confidential, unless there is a concern for your safety.

How do I get an Independent Visitor?

If you would like an Independent Visitor, please complete a referral form.

You can also ask your social worker to do this on your behalf if you wish. You can also call our Children and Young Person’s Helpline on 0300 323 0965 for more information, or speak to us online via Live Chat.

Want to know what we do with your data? Download our Privacy Notice.

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