Author Archives: Kim Walsh

  1. Advocacy Focus Named overall ‘Top Employer’ in Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index for Third Consecutive Year

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    Advocacy Focus was named as overall ‘Top Employer’ in Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index for the third year running. Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index is an annual benchmark of best policy and practice when it comes to staff mental health. The index ranks organisations based on their commitment to, and initiatives around mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

    Advocacy Focus CEO, Justine Forster, had this to say about the achievement:

    “Ten years ago, our charity began its wellbeing journey, placing its people at the heart of everything we do. With that approach we have created a supportive and trusting workplace that gives our team the freedom to carry out their challenging roles flexibility and to the best of their ability. If you support and equip your people to be the best version of themselves, they in turn will deliver top quality services that can achieve the best possible outcomes for the people we advocate for.

    This is the fourth year that Advocacy Focus has taken part in the Workplace Wellbeing Index, and they have achieved Gold Award status each time. The Gold Award is only given to employers who have embedded mental health into their policies and practice and who have shown a long-term, in-depth commitment to their team’s mental health. The Index highlighted the tremendous efforts of the Advocacy Focus team and the culture they have created and how they have helped to shape and foster a safe and positive workplace. The resilience and dedication of the charity’s people is what makes the organisation an exemplary place to work.

    Looking Ahead

    Justine continues, “As we celebrate this milestone, of which we are both humbled and proud, we remain focused on future wellbeing initiatives for our team. As a charity we have shown that you don’t need big budgets or significant resources to drive forward positive change for your people. We are a team of almost 80 people covering the North of England, and we are leading the way when it comes to workplace wellness. Huge thanks and recognition to our incredible team and to everyone who has supported or championed us on this journey. We are immensely proud to be three-time winners of this remarkable award, and we look forward to furthering our charity’s mission of ‘advocacy for all’ with wellbeing at its core.”

  2. CUBE HR Surpasses Fundraising Goal, Raising Over £2,100 for Advocacy Focus 

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    Earlier this month, the team at CUBE HR exceeded their fundraising goal by more than double when they took on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge in order to raise vital funds for Advocacy Focus.

    During this challenge, they walked 24.5 miles, climbed 5,000 feet, and took around 55,000 steps – finishing it in 8 hours 57 minutes. 

    “We love a challenge and most of us love walking, so we thought why not combine them” said Lisa Sourbutts, Managing Director at CUBE HR. “I think we underestimated how challenging it would be. We completed the first 2 peaks relatively easily but one of the team ended up with blisters on the soles of her feet. However, she would not give up so we took the 3rd peak (Ingleborough) quite slowly. That said we’re told under 9 hours is a phenomenal time so we’ll take it. The celebratory pint at the end didn’t touch the sides. We were sore and tired but when we checked the total we had raised we were delighted. Thanks so much to our generous supporters” 

    In April, it was announced that CUBE HR had chosen Advocacy Focus as their charity of the year, choosing to dedicate their fundraising efforts to support Advocacy Focus in providing valuable advocacy services across Lancashire.  

    “We are honoured to have been chosen as CUBE HR’s charity of the year, and what a fantastic way to kickstart their fundraising! The Yorkshire Three Peaks is no mean feat, but every step they took was a step towards making sure that local people get the advocacy support they deserve for their care and treatment needs. Huge thanks to Team Cube. You are all amazing!” says Justine Forster, CEO at Advocacy Focus.

    CUBE HR is a leading provider of human resources solutions, offering a range of services designed to empower businesses to manage their workforce effectively. With a focus on innovation and excellence, CUBE HR partners with organisations to deliver tailored HR solutions that drive success. 

    Are you a business looking to work with a local charity? 

    We would be happy to talk to you about Advocacy Focus becoming your nominated charity, either via a ‘one-off’ fundraising campaign or, like CUBE HR, as your ‘Charity of the Year.’ 

    Advocacy Focus would be keen to meet you and to talk more about how we can work in partnership to extend the reach of our advocacy support, so that no one falls through the gaps because of overstretched services. 

    We can develop a tailored corporate and social responsibility support package in return for your help, which will benefit your team and business, whilst supporting the local community. 

    If you would like to discuss this further, please email

  3. Volunteer Spotlight: Angela, An Amazing Independent Visitor

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    This Volunteers’ Week, we are delighted to shine a spotlight on Angela, who became an Independent Visitor in June 2023.

    Angela has shown amazing dedication and creativity. Her visits have been wonderful experiences for the young person she helps, with fun activities like candle-making workshops, attending shows, and sharing coffee and cake. Angela always goes the extra mile to create fun and meaningful moments.

    Angela was matched with Annabel, a young girl who had recently come to the UK after escaping the war in Sudan. Because of the conflict, Annabel hasn’t been able to talk to her family and is worried about her mum and siblings. Angela’s ability to speak several languages and her experience teaching English helped Annabel feel more at ease.

    Angela and Annabel share interests in art, crafts, and reading. Angela found easy-read books for Annabel and gave her two at a time, helping her enjoy reading and learning. Despite the language barrier, they quickly formed a strong bond. Angela’s language skills and their shared hobbies helped them connect deeply.

    Angela noticed changes in Annabel’s mood, which was understandable given her situation. She continued her visits, offering a listening ear and engaging Annabel in activities to cheer her up and help her focus. Angela’s dedication to Annabel’s well-being and her adjustment to the community has been truly inspiring.

    Annabel’s Journey with Angela

    Angela has been a constant support for Annabel, helping her feel more confident and comfortable in the UK. Annabel has learned new skills, like making art, practising English, and using public transport. Together, they have visited many places like Liverpool Cathedral, Manchester City, Rainhill, and Prescot. They have also joined community groups like Shakespeare North Theatre, ‘Everyday Art’ at Wigan Old Courts, ‘The Happy Place’ women’s group in Wigan, and Liverpool’s ‘Merseymade’ workshops.

    Annabel often texts Angela after their meetings to thank her and share her enjoyment. She loves choosing from the activities Angela suggests and looks forward to the next set of easy-read books.

    Angela’s View on Volunteering

    Angela encourages others to consider volunteering as an independent visitor, saying, “One of the best things I did in 2023 was working with Annabel. Despite the challenges, it’s been a joy – very rewarding and life-affirming. I hope to continue in the role for a long time and hope Annabel achieves her goals and dreams.”

    Angela’s words capture the essence of being an Independent Visitor:

    “It’s very rewarding to be an IV looking out for a young person; I think the independent, voluntary nature of the role makes you more approachable. For me, the role is like being both a friendly advisor and a caring auntie.”

    We are incredibly grateful for Angela’s dedication and the positive impact she has made in Annabel’s life. Her story inspires us all to see the difference one person can make through empathy, creativity, and genuine care for our next generation.

  4. Helping Max

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    Salford Children and Young People

    What was the person’s situation before working with Advocacy Focus? 

    Max is a 19 year old male who is a care leaver, living out of area. Max has additional needs and struggles to retain information. He has been homeless and needed an advocate for support around housing and his rights as a care leaver.

    What did the Independent Advocate do to help the person?

    The advocate built a trusting relationship with Max enabling him to share his past experiences and what he finds hard. He recognised that he was unable to retain information and keep up with the decisions that had been made for him. The advocate with permission spoke to professionals involved and asked if all their updates could be shared vie email in one chain, so that Max could follow and review at any time.

    When Max became homeless the advocate ensured that the relevant professionals were informed, and Max felt safe and secure until a place was found for him. The advocate ensured information was passed correctly between Max and his social worker. Max was told that he could have a free gym pass, but because he was living outside of Salford, the Council were reluctant to give it to him. After a few telephone conversations Max has now got a free gym pass for local gyms.

    What was the outcome?

    Max understands and can see all information in relation to his life. He is gaining confidence when speaking to professionals and has attended some organisations on his own. He now attends the gym for free, which benefits his mental wellbeing. The case is still ongoing, with Max still waiting for a permanent place to live. The advocate will continue to work with Max until he decides he no longer needs an advocate.

    Why was advocacy support so effective?

    Without an advocate Max would not know some of his care leavers rights. Information would not have been shared in a way that he understood, therefore, Max would still feel that he had not been listened to. Max knows that he is being supported by a trusted person. The relationship between Max and his social worker has improved as he feels that actions have been taken for things he has waited for.

    *Names have been changed to protect the identity of the people we support

  5. A Day at Westminster

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    By Jason Cherry, Advocacy Co-Ordinator at Advocacy Focus

    In March I had the amazing opportunity to join Sara Britcliffe, MP for Hyndburn, in Westminster. A very early start but well worth it.

    I arrived in London and after visiting all the usual tourist attractions, I went to meet Sara and her team at Westminster. Here, I had a tour of Westminster Hall, The House of Commons, where I stood, where the PM stands and The Houses of Parliament. I even went into The Chapel of St Mary’s where Emily Davison hid (Google her…. girl power before the Spice Girls!). What a beautiful hidden church and on set days they hold services there.

    Westminster Hall is steeped in history. The most recent is a plaque of where Queen Elizabeth II lay in state, not to mention plaques for where Nelson Mandella and Winston Churchill stood.

    I was lucky enough to take part in a Question-and-Answer session held in one of the committee rooms off Westminster Hall, I even saw Jeremy Corbyn!

    I finished on The Terrace with Sara and her lovely team, where I took the opportunity to have a photo.

    What a fantastic day and a fabulous experience.

    Thank you to Sara and her team for an unforgettable trip.

    Thank you to Advocacy Focus for believing in me and for being a very inclusive place to work.

  6. CUBE HR announces Advocacy Focus as ‘Charity of the Year’ and launches £1,000 fundraiser goal

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    Advocacy Focus is thrilled to announce that CUBE HR has picked us as their charity of the year for 2024.

    CUBE HR is a leading provider of human resources solutions, offering a range of services designed to empower businesses to manage their workforce effectively. With a focus on innovation and excellence, CUBE HR partners with organisations to deliver tailored HR solutions that drive success.

    “We are delighted to partner with Advocacy Focus as our charity of the year,” said Stuart Wright, HR Consultant at CUBE HR. “As a small business, we think it is important to give something back to our community, so we choose a local ‘charity of the year’ each year. We love the work that Advocacy Focus does and want to help in some way, to make sure this work continues.”

    To kickstart the partnership, CUBE HR has launched a fundraiser to take place on Monday 3rd June 2024 in which employees from both CUBE HR and Advocacy Focus will be taking on the Yorkshire Three Peaks. This walk is not just a physical challenge, but a real chance to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

    Donations to this fundraiser can be made through the JustGiving page. All funds will go towards ensuring Advocacy Focus can continue to provide advocacy services to people within the community. Every donation counts, no matter how big or small.

    “We are so grateful to CUBE HR for choosing us as their charity of the year,” said Justine Forster, CEO at Advocacy Focus. “This fundraiser will make such a difference to the lives of people we support and help us to continue our vital community advocacy work. Every donation we receive will go straight into our services and will support people that need our help when it comes to their health and social care needs.”

    CUBE HR has invited people and businesses alike to join them in supporting Advocacy Focus by taking part in their fundraising efforts throughout 2024. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most.

    Are you a business looking to work with a local charity?

    We would be happy to talk to you about Advocacy Focus becoming your nominated charity, either via a ‘one-off’ fundraising campaign or, like CUBE HR, as your ‘Charity of the Year.’

    Advocacy Focus would be keen to meet you and to talk more about how we can work in partnership to extend the reach of our advocacy support, so that no one falls through the gaps because of overstretched services.

    We can develop a tailored corporate and social responsibility support package in return for your help, which will benefit your team and business, whilst supporting the local community.

    If you would like to discuss this further, please email

  7. Breaking Barriers 2024: Reflections On a Day

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    So today is about finding solutions so that people can access the care and support they need.”

    – Justine Forster, CEO at Advocacy Focus

    Thursday 21st March 2024 saw the return of our long-awaited Breaking Barriers conference. With over 100 attendees, the day featured ground-breaking talks and workshops from leading sector experts and professionals from health and social care and beyond.

    Our Breaking Barriers conferences are dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of the importance of advocacy and the impact it has on our communities.

    Sharing knowledge and experiences through events such as this is key to breaking down the barriers that stop people from receiving the right care and treatment.

    Hosted by Jake Mills, CEO of Chasing the Stigma, the day featured the following speakers and topics:

    Our headline speakers:

    • Neil Allen from 39 Essex Chambers discussed ‘Making the best use of Deprivations of Liberty Safeguards’.
    • Laura Ingham from Armed Forces HQ raised awareness on ‘Advocating for the armed forces community’.
    • Darren from Mission Impossible, Trafford Self-Advocacy Group talked about ‘The Importance of Self-Advocacy.’
    • Justine Forster and Leanne Hignett from Advocacy Focus discussed ‘The Six Ps’ and the importance of self-advocacy and prevention.
    • Ellie Bradley from Advocacy Focus shared ‘Reflections a year on: Advocacy for Autistic People in Mental Health Inpatient Settings’

    Our workshops:

    • Philippa Curran from Odonnells – ‘Welfare Matters’
    • Sophie Maloney from Stephensons Solicitors (our headline sponsor) – ‘Capacity, social media and the internet’
    • Malcolm Johnson from Lime Solicitors – ‘The Rights of Looked after Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children’

    • Demi Houghton from Advocacy Focus – ‘Challenging Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards’
    • Kate Mercer from Kate Mercer Training – ‘You can’t do mountaineering in your lunch break; what it takes to deliver awesome advocacy’
    • Helen Barker and Faye Doherty from Irwin Mitchell – ‘Capacity to sexual relations’

    Barriers Broken

    The core mission of Breaking Barriers has always been to ignite lasting change well beyond the event’s conclusion.

    Reviewing the feedback we have received from attendees, we have done just that.

    Keeping up to date with legislation, championing fairness, and amplifying the voices of those who often go unheard are vital steps in realising our vision. And how barriers are easier to break when we work together.

    Our Breaking Barriers events serve as a timely reminder of this.

    “We need to give people straightforward access to advocacy and wider services. If we can’t help people, we will partner with someone who can.”

    – Justine Forster, CEO at Advocacy Focus

    *Images courtesy of Liz Henson Photography.

    Give a #cuppakindness and support our Community Cuppa campaign.

    We are currently running a fundraiser for our Community Focus Hub in Burnley to provide a warm space where people can visit our team and volunteers, grab a free cuppa, information, and advice, and most importantly stay awhile in a safe space free from judgement.

    We have a recommended donation of £5, but any amount would be appreciated. Please help us by sharing this with your networks if you can.

    Donate through Just Giving

  8. Breaking Barriers Conference 2024

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    Breaking Barriers is back after a highly successful conference in 2021; attended by over 100 health and social care professionals across the North West. The feedback was just as positive with 100% of delegates stating they walked away having learned something new.

    Breaking Barriers aims to bridge the gaps between services and provide better outcomes for the people we support. It is one day dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of the importance of advocacy and the impact it has on our communities.

    With ground-breaking talks and workshops from leading industry professionals, key speakers and more; we bring you the latest trends, case law, legislation changes affecting the health and social care industry and much more.

    Confirmed host!

    Jake Mills, CEO of Chasing the Stigma, will be returning to host our third Breaking Barriers Conference. An expert in mental health and wellbeing, and Advocacy Focus’ Patron, Jake is a true advocate of our mission to make advocacy accessible to all.

    Headline speaker – Francesca Gardner from 39 Essex Chambers – ‘What now the Mental Health Act reform is ditched?’

    Headline speaker – Neil Allen from 39 Essex Chambers – ‘Making the best use of Deprivations of Liberty Safeguards’

    Headline speaker – Darren from Mission Impossible, Trafford Self-Advocacy Group – ‘The Importance of Self-Advocacy’

    Workshop speaker – Philippa Curran from odonnells – ‘Welfare Matters” 

    Workshop speaker – Sophie Maloney from Stephensons Solicitors – ‘Internet, social media, and mental capacity’

    Workshop speaker – Malcolm Johnson from Lime Solicitors – ‘Looked after Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers’

    Workshop speaker – Advocacy Focus – ‘Challenging DoLS’

    Workshop speaker – Kate Mercer from Kate Mercer Training – ‘Awesome Advocacy

    Workshop speaker – Laura Ingham from Armed Forces HQ – ‘Advocating for the armed forces community’

    Date – Thursday 21 March 2024 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (UTC+00)

    Venue – Farington Lodge, Stanifield Lane, Farington, Leyland, PR25 4QR

    Sponsored by

    Book your tickets here Breaking Barriers 2024 – Advocacy Focus

  9. Poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year

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    The ongoing cost of living crisis has caused huge financial pressures for many people and is currently one of the leading causes of stress in the UK.  With a 23% increase being noted from 2022. A recent survey found that people are feeling anxious, stressed, and hopeless due to their current financial situation. The same survey found that financial concerns were impacting on people’s day-to-day activities, with 30% of adults having a poorer quality of sleep, 23% meeting friends less often, and 12% exercising less.

    But poor mental health doesn’t just carry a huge personal cost. Recent research shows that poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year – and this figure is growing year on year.

    There is however good news! If businesses invest in supporting their people’s mental health, they will not only see a gain in productivity, fewer sickness absences and lower staff turnover, work can provide a sense of purpose, structure and create meaningful connections. All of which is health-promoting for the employee.

    And while many organisations currently invest in some level of mental health support, recent data reveals a lack of employee engagement and take-up. So why aren’t people engaging with support that is set up to help them?

    There are many reasons, but the main one is the stigma, that still exists in many workplaces. People may fear that they will be treated differently, that they won’t be considered for promotion, or that they risk losing their jobs if they tell someone they are struggling. That is why it is crucial that workplaces develop a positive culture around mental health and wellbeing. Support has to be widely available, in an easy, stigma-free way. And that is where Advocacy Focus can help you!

    Our charity has worked in the health and social care sector for over 25 years. Supporting people who are living through some of the most challenging times of their life. In our own workplace, we don’t just talk the talk, we have delivered impactful wellbeing initiatives for over 10 years! More recently our work was recognised nationally when we were awarded ‘Top Employer’ in the charity Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index – for two years in a row. Not bad for a small charity in the North of England!

    It’s our proudest achievement, because it’s an award that celebrates all we have done and continue to do for our people. We invest in them first and foremost, because they are our most valuable resource and we couldn’t deliver our services across the North-West without them. So if like us you recognise that without your team your business would crumble, it is time to act!

    Don’t be another UK business losing thousands of pounds, or good people, to poor mental health. Our training and consultancy services can help you:

    • Improve productivity
    • Decrease sickness absences
    • Create more motivated teams

    And more…

    Get in touch with Carolina at to discuss your training needs!


    Champion Health. The Workplace Health Report: 2023.

  10. Check Out Micaela’s experience as an Independent Visitor:

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    We would like to shine a spotlight on one of our amazing volunteer Independent Visitors, Micaela, who has ten years sports coaching experience in schools and recently qualified to be a psychologist.

    Micaela told us, “I have seen how important it is for young people to have someone to reach out to and have that 1-1 nurturing support as when they don’t, you can see how much it affects them”. I wanted to make a difference for those that needed this and this is my way of giving back”.

    During Micaela’s time with us, she has made a huge contribution. When Micaela first met her young person, she was full of apprehension, wondering whether the match with her young person would be a success.  Both Michaela and her young person soon connected and became relaxed, it soon became apparent that her young person is very keen about sports; loving watching football and longing to play. Micaela is the perfect match and they hit it off!

    Since becoming an Independent Visitor, Micaela has been creative in finding activities suitable for her young person and helping explore things that her young person had not tried before.

    The search for a local football club is underway and Michaela regularly takes her young person to Liverpool ladies football matches, which her young person says is “magical” as she had never been to one. Michaela’s young person said “I absolutely loved it” and her foster family tell us that “she had not stopped talking about it for days”.

    And it doesn’t stop there …  Micaela has been supporting her young person to experience new and exciting activities, including Ninja Warrior, going bowling and to the cinema. The foster family have also fed back that the young person is really excited about Micaela’s visits and asks repeatedly “when is Micaela is coming?”

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